Thursday, December 23, 2010


We had over 10" of rain at our house between Friday, Dec.17 and yesterday, Dec. 22. We've had waterfalls appear out of nowhere, mudslides on roads (the one pictured here is little and caused no real damage - but consider an entire hillside coming down), and the Bob & Pat $1 bet that Pat lost. Pat's position: It won't rain 5" from Friday to Friday. Bob's position: Yes, it will. Oh well, there goes that $1.00.
It's sunny this morning and we are grateful.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Rainy afternoon

What's a kitty to do on a rainy afternoon? Sleep, of course.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Good news

I've been away for awhile, taking care of my mother. She had surgery on Nov. 29; a planned two-day stay in the hospital turned into a five-day stay because of some complications. I was her "transition care" at home, with some assistance from my brother. We had a rocky few days at the beginning, but Mom got stronger each day. By the time of her post-op appointment on Dec. 14, we decided she didn't need me to be at her house 24/7. I will go back on Friday to take her to her hair appointment, and we'll do some shopping. Thanks to everyone who sent get well wishes to my mom, the 83-year-old with spunk.