Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas from a state that can't decide if it's rainy or snowy

We've had the weirdest weather. December, by and large, was abnormally cold and snowy. Normal snowfall in Dec. before Christmas in the Dayton area is 3". We had 14". Yowza. Along with this snow came very cold temperatures. There were days when we had highs that were lower than the normal lows. Yes, you read that right. Then a few days ago, it warmed up to the mid-50s (California winter temperatures!) and rained and rained. The higher temperatures melted any snow, plus we had lots of extra water because of the rain. And where do we live? In an area with a big river running through it. There was major flooding in the Miami River Valley. We were fine, because our house is on a hill (they don't call it "Hunter's Ridge" for nothing). Others were not so fortunate. We saw lots of flooded cars (at least one woman had to be rescued because she didn't remember that tip about not driving over a flooded road), flooded houses, and backyards that disappeared under water.
Don't go down that stairway!

The Miami River decided to inundate the road to the covered bridge.

What trail?

A Merry Christmas greeting from one of our visiting cardinals. And from us, too.