Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Other than wedding

We did see other things on our trip. #1 is Sadie, a very friendly Wheaton terrier who lives next door to Jack and Penny in Troy, OH. #2 is Bear's Mill, a working mill west of Troy in Greenville, OH. The gift shop has all sorts of neat things, including many kinds of flour ground at the mill. #3 is a latte (isn't it beautiful?) from Ithaca Coffee Roasting Co. The barista was a lovely Cornell student - very nice, very good at latte-making. #4 is me at the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, one of my favorite places in the USA. Check the red maple in the background.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

More wedding

Aren't they all so darned cute? From the top: Tanja's fantastic blue shoes (for those of you who know Karen Beaton - I can see Karen in these shoes), Tanja and Ryan right after the ceremony, Tanja and the flower girl, and Karlee and her bro right before he got hitched.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The wedding

One part of our trip east was to attend our nephew's wedding on Oct. 9th, held at The Barn, just south of Ithaca, NY. The autumn colors were gorgeous ... and the bride and groom were, too. The first picture, taken right after the rehearsal on the 8th, is the groom's fan club: Grandma Ann, stepmom Beth, sister Karlee, mom Vicky, and aunt Pat. In photo #2, taken right before the ceremony, Ryan poses with Tanja and the bridemaids. In #3, it's the kiss (everyone say "Ah...."). #4 is Karlee and her new sister-in-law, Tanja. More pictures in my next post.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Off to Ryan and Tanja's wedding tomorrow

We're flying to Ohio tomorrow and then driving to New York on the 8th. Ryan and Tanja are getting married at The Barn in Willseyville, NY on the 9th. Friends and family are flying east in the next few days. We're all looking forward to the wedding and reception. Welcome to the family (officially), Tanja!