Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Scene of the crime

It looks like an innocent bathtub, but it's not. Just last night, Edward was "helping" me take a bath and he fell in. Panic ensued, as they say. He tried to scrabble out twice and fell back in ... on the third try he was successful. Meanwhile, I just tried to stay out of the way of his claws. I was mostly successful, with a scratch on the ankle and on the knee. Oh my, the potential for disaster loomed large. I suspect poor Ed will be quite respectful of the tub from now on.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Strawberry bag

Penny bought me this cool shopping bag at the Strawberry Festival. It goes from a hand-sized strawberry to a full-fledged bag in a few seconds. Too cool. The people who create such things are way more talented than I am.

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Hi everyone - Google knows there are issues with commenting to blogs. I tried one change in the Comments set-up. Try to comment. Let's see if my change did anything.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

The chipmunk cuteness

Our backyard is officially "small mammal central." Not only do we have tree squirrels, but we now have a cottontail and a chipmunk. The chipmunk (and we think it's only one) is the cutest thing ever. Alvin, Simon, or Theodore - we don't know yet.
Besides the bunny, I'm throwing in a picture of me with my first Queen Anne's lace of 2011.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Summer's here

And to think when we first arrived in late March, I was out looking for jeans with a flannel lining. Not so much now! Yesterday and today are cool by the standards set a few days ago. It was in the 90s and humid. Positively pleasant right now.

Squirrel in the back yard
Flowers around town
Bob diving into his sister's neighbor's pool

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Summer's here

Besides the Strawberry Festival last weekend (the poor Strawberry people in the photo were so hot!), we also went to Indianapolis on Sunday to see our grandnephew Dylan play in a baseball tournament. He plays for the Palatine Demons (Palatine, Illinois). Dylan will be 13 in July; his younger brother will be 7 at the end of the month (notice the missing teeth in his photo).

Saturday, June 4, 2011

The pinkness of it all

It's Strawberry Festival time! Festival peeps put dye in the fountain yesterday evening - a Troy tradition for this event. We're going out for strawberry shortcake later.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

We made it back!

Trouble on both ends of the journey - lost a day on both ends. The flight leaving Santa Maria was delayed more than an hour (never found out what the deal was). Therefore, the connection in LA for Dulles in Virginia was totaled, as was the last connection to Dayton. So, we got to LA and sat until 10:45 p.m. (aargh!), flew through the night to Dulles, and then eventually landed in Dayton at 9:40 a.m. this morning. Boy, Mom and I are tired and bedraggled ... but we're here now. It's a lovely late spring day in Troy - only in the low 80s.

Bob's been busy while I was in California. He built a ramp in the garage for Mom to make the two steps into the house easier. He also put our desk together (quite a job, trust me), assembled the new bed, found a countertop remnant that he put in the laundry room above the washer and dryer, moved furniture, mowed lawns, took care of the children in fur, and generally worked himself into a frenzy. Nobody's been vacationing!

I promise I'll post more now that we have a reliable internet connection ... and after I take a nap. It was so good to see my Cal Poly peeps while I was in SLO Co. Hi everyone!