Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

We just finished our first Ohio trick-or-treat. About 96 kids came to the door. I had candy for 100, and then I was ready to dip into my emergency supply of pretzels packaged for Halloween. It's better for all of us to have some pretzels to eat than a bunch of candy. Yesterday, we were invited to Penny and Jack's church for "Trunk 'n Treat," where the church and neighborhood kids go from trunk to trunk in the parking lot and get candy. They're in costume, of course. We had candy for 260 kids, ran out, snitched tootsie rolls from Jack, ran out again, and finally slinked (slunk? which is correct?) away with our trunk closed. Wow. I was used to 4, maybe 6, trick-or-treaters in San Luis Obispo.
Bob's sister Penny dressed as Cooper the dog.

Penny and Jack's trunk (and the source of our tootsie roll filching).

Not our trunk, but an inspiration for next year. Do I not have some spare feet lying around? It's perfect.


Our front porch.

Saturday, October 29, 2011


Bob has been photographing windows, doors, and gates lately. Here are a few from his windows series.

The leaded glass is very nice in this one.

Meow (not our window, not our cat).

Don't stand too close to that vine. I believe it may have a "today the garage, tomorrow the world" philosophy.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

It's still autumn

I know you must be tired of autumn leaves (and the days dwindle down ...), but this is what you get until the snow flies. Work with me.

Yellow leaves on Polecat Road (cool name, huh?).

Some maples are red, some are orange, some are yellow.

I think a dermatologist could do something ... a cream, a laser, whatever!

A very sincere patch. The Great Pumpkin is definitely coming here.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Frost is on the pumpkin

We woke up to 30 degrees today and frost on the lawn and roof. Is it time to buy a snow shovel? Our good friend Joan visited last week, so we had to do the usual stuff: Air Force Museum, canal boat ride, etc. We also went to Bear's Mill near Greenville and we hit Ikea near Cincinnati (where America shops). Joan had to limit herself to buying light &/or flat things because she was flying home. No dining room tables, kitchen sinks, or floor lamps. (Too bad, because there are some good ones at Ikea.)
Here are some photos of life around Troy.
One of the buildings at Bear's Mill.

Creepy autumn clouds.

Joan and me at Bear's Mill. Note her Cal Poly sweatshirt. Go Mustangs!

Pile of pumpkins at Fulton Farms. An autumn tradition.

No it hasn't snowed yet. This is "Zamboni leavings" outside the Hobart Arena.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Early October in Ohio

The trees are really turning and we've put up our Halloween decorations, but I'm behind in my posting - so no autumn stuff right now. Here are some pictures of recent activities.
Bob poses in front of mums at the golf course.

"Man up. Stop in." I love this sign.

Yes, it's pink. Breast cancer fundraiser near the river.

We plant in autumn with hope for spring.

Pat's tribute to Steve Jobs. I've had my little iPod for almost 6 years.