Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas

We went to Clifton Mill the other night with Penny and Jack. Clifton is an itty bitty town east of Yellow Springs and south of Springfield. In town is a mill on the Little Miami River; it's decorated every Christmas season by roughly a billion lights. Besides the lights, there is a Santa Claus room with over 3000 Santas on display. A few are a bit scary - if I was a kid, I might run the other direction. However, most are the regular ho-ho-ho kind of Santa. To celebrate Christmas Eve, I've included some photos of our trip to Clifton Mill. Merry Christmas, everyone.

The mill building all decorated for the holidays.

A few of the Santas. None of these are scary.

Bob and me at the mill. The red glow in the background is from some of the gazillion lights on the banks of the Little Miami River.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

St. Nicholas's Day Massacre

Inflatable lawn figures are all the rage this Christmas. This is fine at night, when they're inflated. However, most are left deflated in the daytime. I told Bob it looks like the St. Valentine's Day Massacre. He said, "No, not St. Valentine's. St. Nicholas's Day." I stand corrected. I vote for paying the extra for the electricity and keeping them inflated 24/7.

Lovely scene at night.

Next day. They look like they've been mowed down. Where are the chalk outlines?

Friday, December 16, 2011

Almost Christmas

Two days ago it was 60 degrees - today, it's 37 degrees. Ah, life in Ohio in December. It's been raining a lot lately, and just as is true in California, the temperature goes up when it rains. No snow since our 1" two weeks ago. I have doubts about a white Christmas this year.

We went to see Bob's sister Penny star as "Old Granny Mouse" in the Christmas play at First United Methodist Church. Church children played sheep, cows, shepherds, donkeys, mice, etc. The audience got sing carols along with the kids, so everyone was involved. I've posted a picture of Penny in her starring role - we're expecting a call from Hollywood anytime. 

Old Grannie Mouse (really Penny).

Our front yard decorated for the holidays.

This is a good shot of our homemade vegetarian suet. We're a hit with the nuthatches (and woodpeckers and squirrels ...).

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Recent happenings

We've sent Christmas cards and managed to get some packages in the mail (okay, we're not done with the mailing yet). We're using the U.S. Postal Service ("if it fits, it ships"). Gotta throw some business their way - they're facing bankruptcy! Here are some pictures of Troy before the Christmas holidays:

A blue jay thinks peanuts are the bee's knees.

Bob and me in front of our house.

City trees decorated for the season.

Tire Discounters often has funny signs. I really liked this one.