Friday, February 24, 2012

February has rushed by

I keep forgetting to post and February is nearly over. On Feb. 13th, Mom celebrated her 85th birthday. We had a nice dinner out, accompanied by Penny and Jack. Best news yet - as of yesterday, Mom is no longer a mobile home owner! Her mobile home in California finally sold. Did we get the price we wanted? No. But, the real estate market is still bad, so we're just as glad to rid of her of the monthly lot rent obligation and tuck a little money aside to boot.

Last week, we got to visit with our nephew, Jason, and his wife, Polly, and their two children, Ava (5 years old) and Troy (3 years old). They came to Ohio from North Carolina to see friends who just had their third baby. While in Ohio, they came to see Penny (Jason's mother) and Jack. We don't get to see Jason and Polly very often. In fact, we hadn't seen them since 2004, before Ava and Troy arrived. So, it was a joyful event for us to finally meet our grandniece and grandnephew.

Mom on her 85th birthday.

Jason and Ava. Note her flexibility.

Jason and Troy.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


60 years old today. I went to my deep water power class (we're in the deep end of the pool with buoyancy belts) and did the usual 45 minute work-out. It's cardio, flexibility, and strength-training, all in one. This evening, we're eating dinner at Tony's Italian Kitchen. One of the waiters is named Nick, and he says, "How you doin?" just like Joey on Friends. I hope he's working tonight.

Here are some recent pictures. Except for the one snow on snow, we haven't had much winter. It's in the 30s today and overcast, but I rode my bike yesterday when it was in the mid-40s and sunny.

Here we are by the Stillwater River near Brukner Nature Center.

Apparently, Mom's loveseat is another demilitarized zone for the cats.

Brian, a docent at Brukner Nature Center, in the middle of his black rat snake demo. She is a nice snake. See her little tongue?

The Adams Street bridge builders are really making progress. We'll be thrilled when it's done.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Rosie has "spoken"

It seems Rosie, Dayton's own woodchuck weather wizard, agreed with Punxsutawney Phil in Pennsylvania - it's six more weeks of winter. They've seen their shadows. Now, as much as I'm impressed by rodents predicting the weather, I have some trouble believing Rosie and Phil really know what they're "talking about". We haven't had six weeks of winter yet, let alone six more weeks. Yesterday I rode my bike in my shirt sleeves. 60 degrees! Amazing. Today it's cooler, but still sunny and quite nice. 

We're not so naive as to believe spring is here ... no, we're well aware that old man winter will return. But, this weather is lovely while we have it. So, perhaps Rosie and Phil are right - don't put those sleds away yet.