Friday, August 24, 2012

The Ohio River

We took Mom to Newport, KY - right across the Ohio River from Cincinnati - to board a paddle wheel boat for a 1 1/2 hour cruise along the Ohio. She had never been to Kentucky, or on a paddle wheel boat for that matter, so there were new experiences at every turn. I haven't been through Cincinnati for a year - so it's easy to forget how big it is. We usually get as far south as West Chester, home of Ohio's only Ikea. :)
We're standing in Kentucky, with the Cinci skyline in back.

Cincinnati's riverfront, near the baseball stadium. I dare not say "Go Reds" or I'll bring down the wrath of the forever Cubs fans, Bob and Penny.

John Roebling's bridge over the Ohio. This one came before his Brooklyn Bridge, but note the similarities.

Mom eats chicken in Kentucky.

Our boat, the River Queen. Yes, my mother with bad hips and a bad left knee climbed all the stairs to the upper deck!

Bob with his trusty camera before the cruise.

The paddle wheel in action. Actually, it's all for show. The boat is powered by big Cummins diesel engines! (Sorry to disillusion anyone out there.)

Mom sightseeing from the upper deck. KY on right; OH on left.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Early August

I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while. Too lazy, too hot! It's a lovely day today. The humidity is down and the temperatures are lower. Perhaps the weather gods are done punishing us. We're harvesting lots of cucumbers and tomatoes from the garden. We have edible cantaloupes, which surprises me no end, since I've never grown a cantaloupe in my life. The peppers are coming along, too. In mid-May, when we put those small plants into the ground, I don't think we ever expected real food to result! Love it.
Me at Grand Lake St. Mary's - Ohio's second biggest lake after Lake Erie.

One of the marinas at GLSM's.

One of our new dining room chairs. Our dining room is too small for the bigger chairs. We got these at Ikea.

A new house across the street. There are 3 new houses on the next street. Does this mean the economy is better?