Saturday, April 27, 2013

Flowers galore

Once spring decides to get going, there are flowers everywhere. I was out on my bike and I snapped these photos with my iPod camera. They're not the greatest, but you get the idea.
Flowering tree near JC Penney's in Piqua.

A tulip bed near the Adams Street Bridge.


Three different flowering trees in Riverside Cemetery.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Suddenly, spring appeared

Just when we were beginning to wonder if it would ever come, spring arrived. Bada bing. Just like that. Now we have flowering trees, loads of daffodils, tulips, forsythia everywhere, and hyacinths in nearly everyone's yard. It's really very pretty. I've been riding my bike, too. Thunderstorms are due tomorrow, so no bike riding then (or golfing, as Bob is doing today).
This is the same daffodil with the snow and icicles not too long ago. The little hole with the dirt in front (left) is where one of the chipmunks hangs out.

Our new dogwood tree. It will have pink flowers.

These are peonies. They'll be many feet tall soon.

Not our tulips, but I think they're so pretty, I had to take a picture.

My shoes, my bike.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Scalloped potatoes ... or mandolin gone bad

Bob was in charge of slicing potatoes on the mandolin to make scalloped potatoes for Easter dinner. He missed a potato and got his finger instead. After much bleeding and carrying on, my brother, the retired paramedic, steri-stripped Bob's finger. Not to worry, though - we don't think any of the finger ended up in the potatoes. :)

No, not an Alfred Hitchcock movie. Just blood in the sink.

One day, this will be an amusing story.