Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Summer in Ohio

We've been to the Ohio State Fair in Columbus, Carillon Park in Dayton, and out and about in Troy (walking while the weather is good). Some days have been hot and muggy, but today it's quite nice outside. We were at the YMCA this morning taking an interim aerobics class (regular classes are over till September 2nd and the pool is closed till August 23rd while it's cleaned and paint touch-ups are done). Kaci Harpest, our teacher today, is enthusiastic (!) and stops every now and then to say, "Get a drink if you need one." Like we would NOT need one ....

Ohio State Fair. A Clydesdale gets an ear trim. He did not like it.


Orville Wright at Carillon Park.

Wilbur Wright at Carillon Park.

A Columbus Zoo employee displays a sloth at the fair. I wanted to say to the guy in the blue shirt, "Hey. There's a sloth in back of you."

Everyone's hibiscuses (hibisci?) are in bloom. So pretty.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

July in Troy

The summer has been warm, but not really hot. We had a couple of days last week when another cool air mass came in from Canada (why do they keep sending us their cold air?) and we had temperatures in the high 40s at night. That was strange. However, corn is tasseling and tomatoes are ripening. Ah, summer.

An Army  Reserve band played in Troy.

The Troy Skating Club took to the ice July 10-13. A budding Olympian?

A water lily on Kiser Lake.

Californians in Ohio.

Ohio does not have hillsides covered with lupines ... but it does have wild indigo!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Really big snake!

I know Bob posted pictures of Daisy the Python on Facebook, but for those of you who don't do Facebook, here are a couple of shots of Daisy at her hefty best. Penny's church had a herpetologist come to speak to VBS kids and we had to go see his snakes. They were all non-venomous; some were from the U.S. and others were from Asia, Africa, and S. America.

Brother-in-law Jack with a plastic coral snake (the milk snake is real and NOT venomous).

Can you tell Penny is not happy about touching Daisy?

Daisy is big girl. It took lots of us to hold her up.

And for the people not into snakes - here is a red admiral butterfly on bergamot.

Monday, June 2, 2014

OK, it's been 5 months

Sorry, everyone. I've been hearing about my lack of blog posting. If you really want to know what's going on, friend Bob on Facebook. He's always posting something about what we're up to. Here are some pictures from May.

Penny and Pat. Isn't that a good picture of the sisters?


We got new cabinets in the dining room (no countertop yet). Isabella "helped."

Azaleas at Muirfield, where Bob went for the practice round of the Memorial Tournament on May 28th.

Our girl kitty looking cute.

The street over from ours during a recent deluge. Our street was not flooded.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Thank you, Canada, for the cold air mass

It's shaping up to be a very cold winter. The latest arctic blast from our friends up north ... and to think I used to like the Canadians ... has us below zero for a high today. The other day, it was -10 degrees when we went to the Y, but it wasn't windy. Today at -4 or -5 degrees, it's just brutal out because of the wind. Because of wind chill, school is cancelled. Bob, the Chicago boy that he is, said, "We used to walk to school in weather like this."  Well, I remember waiting for the bus in Atascadero, Calif. on +17-20 degree mornings, and that was quite enough, thank you. (That was back when little girls wore dresses to school and our legs were frozen by the time the bus arrived.) I've included some pictures of "things I didn't concern myself with when I lived in San Luis Obispo." I hope you enjoy them.
This is the "schmutz" that collects in the wheel wells (ice, dirt, salt) and falls out on the garage floor.

Frozen condensation on the inside of the bathroom window.

A bit out of focus, but what happens if rain freezes on the way out of the downspout.

Dry, itchy winter skin? We've got a product for that.

Again, out of focus. But you get the idea.

Frozen recycling!