Saturday, June 26, 2010

Just cruising along

We've been doing errands, making sure the house is clean for a realtor and his client who never showed (not our realtor, I hasten to add), and making decisions about retirement accounts -- if we do this, then what about that?, etc. Here are a few photos of the past week or so. The one of Bob and his finger needs explanation. He had to have his finger lanced because of an infection under the nail. I know that "lancing" would usually equal pain, but he said it was NOT painful, and his finger feels much better after the event. The picture of Isabella's kitty walk on the deck also needs explanation. We cover the netting with towels so she won't be exposed to the sun - she is a little blonde girl and we don't want her to get skin cancer. When she's set up like this, we call it her little Conestoga wagon. She's crossing the Great Plains on her way to the Oregon Territory.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Second month of retirement begins

I'm getting used to this no-work stuff. More time for reading, sleeping in, and just hanging around. We're trying to sell our house, so there are always projects to do. We want to keep the place looking good, but we are living in our house - so it does get dirty and disorganized sometimes. And, darned if weeds don't grow in the garden, too.

Last Friday, we took Mom to the grocery store, but we had time for a picnic lunch at Atascadero Lake. Bob took a photo of the three of us. Also, Bob and I are enjoying the spa. I actually have tan lines, whereas before I was a fairly pale person. The spa is a good place to exercise my "bad" shoulder, which is doing much better after the intra-articular shot of cortisone in late May.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

More out and about

We decided to to take pictures of the demolition of Cabo San Luis, a restaurant that burned a few months ago. Check our Flickr page for some demolition shots.
After the photo session, we had to have coffee and a treat at New Frontiers.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Out and about

We've been noodling around. Going to lunch with Mom in Atascadero, hanging around at Shell Beach, having ice cream at Avila Barn. Better than going to work!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Isabella reports

Hi. Isabella reporting. Bob and Pat have been hanging around a lot more lately. I guess this is what humans define as "retirement." What it means to me is more laps to crawl into all day long. Plus, no one gets up at "0-dark-thirty" which means a longer beauty sleep for everyone in the house, cats and humans alike.

Friday, June 4, 2010

"First Friday"

The first Friday of the month, the retirees get together at Kennedy Library to shoot the breeze. Today, Denise, Lynda, Joan, and I attended, plus Janice who is not one of the club ... yet.

Denise has a pile of books nearby - this is completely in character. Joan told everyone about her vacation in Colorado, where she and and her brother were robbed at gunpoint. Extremely scary.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


We went to Cambria today, but of course, the fog was coming in and it was windy. Bob is cool in his new shades, regardless of the weather.

Here are some pretty little violets, just because I wanted to put them in.