Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Ohio! Snowing!

I could not post last night because I have no internet connection at the rental house. We arrived yesterday, around noon. Tired, but safe. Our rental house is packed with boxes and furniture, but at least we have our own bed! The cats are so happy not to be moving.

As I type this, we're having quite the little snow flurry. The flakes started small, but are getting bigger. Our little blue car is now having snowflakes fall on it - first time!

We're at our sister-in-law's house doing laundry. Our rental house does not have a washer or dryer. Boy, we were nearly out of underwear. You could almost see the sign flashing: Danger! Laundry needs to be done!

We're going house-hunting on Friday. Our first formal adventure into house-buying with a local realtor. She's very nice and has been quite cooperative.

I'll post pictures when I can.

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