Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Cat days of summer

It's been hot, hot, hot here. The cats are indoors, but it's still tough when the temperature rises. We try to keep the house coolish, but not too cool because (a) it's expensive and (b) Mom asks us to turn off the AC because she gets cold faster than we do.
In #1, Isabella "hides" under the bed. She apparently doesn't understand that a tail that shows is a dead giveaway.
#2 shows Ed in his perch. Notice the foot hanging down. That's a tired cat.
Photo #3 is titled "Boy watches squirrel." See the squirrel at the edge of the patio? Also there's a female cardinal under the chair.
We had lots of thunder and lightning yesterday. The rain from yesterday evening means I don't have to water the lawn this morning. Yay! Stay cool, everyone.

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