Monday, August 1, 2011

Update on Isabella

A vet at MedVet in Worthington just called. The results of the Holter monitor are in. Isabella does have an arrhythmia, and they want her to take atenolol, a beta blocker. They'll call in a prescription to Walgreen's in Troy and we'll pick it up tomorrow. She'll take 1/4 pill (and apparently, they're small pills to begin with) twice a day. Then, in a couple of weeks, the vets want to put the Holter back on her for 24 hours and see if the atenolol is working. Oh joy of joys. Another trip to Worthington. Does she look thrilled in the picture? I think not.
I guess we're not terribly surprised - why would Dr. Roth see ventricular premature complexes and the people at MedVet wouldn't? At least we know Isabella's heart is structurally okay. If the atenolol does the job, then we're good to go.


Anonymous said...

Bella and I are taking the same medicine! A quarter of one of those pills is going to be small. Hopefully, she won't notice.


Retired Duo said...

So far, so good. A pill pocket coated in Gerber's baby food chicken can disguise nearly anything.