Monday, November 28, 2011

Late November

After the Thanksgiving holiday, Bob and I went to the Troy annual Christmas parade and lighting of the town Christmas tree. The tree is in the middle of the town square where the fountain is normally located. Obviously, the fountain shuts down for the winter - so why not stick a Christmas tree in the blank spot? Makes sense. We also went to Aullwood Audubon Center near Englewood for an arts and crafts fair. Lots of nice stuff. We took time for a stroll in the woods near the center.

I've included some pictures of wildlife at our suet feeder in the back yard. We're experimenting with our own suet recipe, which isn't really suet at all. I've gone vegetarian - shortening, peanut butter, corn meal, flour, and some ground nuts. Bob put some of the homemade suet out this evening, so we'll see how it goes over tomorrow.

Bob had to muscle into the crowd for a picture of the tree.

No, I did not fall into the creek at Aullwood.

A white-breasted nuthatch at the suet feeder.

Squirrels are acrobats. His next gig is with the Flying Wallendas.

A red-bellied woodpecker (not to be confused with a red-headed woodpecker).

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