Friday, December 16, 2011

Almost Christmas

Two days ago it was 60 degrees - today, it's 37 degrees. Ah, life in Ohio in December. It's been raining a lot lately, and just as is true in California, the temperature goes up when it rains. No snow since our 1" two weeks ago. I have doubts about a white Christmas this year.

We went to see Bob's sister Penny star as "Old Granny Mouse" in the Christmas play at First United Methodist Church. Church children played sheep, cows, shepherds, donkeys, mice, etc. The audience got sing carols along with the kids, so everyone was involved. I've posted a picture of Penny in her starring role - we're expecting a call from Hollywood anytime. 

Old Grannie Mouse (really Penny).

Our front yard decorated for the holidays.

This is a good shot of our homemade vegetarian suet. We're a hit with the nuthatches (and woodpeckers and squirrels ...).

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