Thursday, April 26, 2012

Spring with a little interruption

April has been sometimes cold and windy, sometimes warm. That's normal! It just seems a letdown after such a warm March. My blog postings have been interrupted by an intestinal bug - who knows what - that more or less flattened me for 4 days. I won't go into details, other than to say bulimia will never be an issue for me. On a happier note, I've included pictures of a walk around Hobart Urban Nature Preserve and a trip to Urbana to see the fly-in of the B-25 bombers on the 70th anniversary of the Doolittle Raid on Tokyo and other Japanese cities.
Up close and personal with a B-25.

Check out the nose art. We saw lots of ladies in enticing poses.

A male American goldfinch at Hobart Urban Nature Preserve.

Make way for ducklings! Aren't they too cute for words?

A male red-winged blackbird stakes out his territory.

Irises in a garden in Troy.

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