Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Gardening for dummies

I'm the first to admit - I do not have a robust gardening gene like my uncle Lew, or my aunt Laura did when she was well. But, we have a terraced garden area and this year we vowed to plant something in it. Anyone remember "Green Acres"? Eva Gabor sang, "Darling I love you, but give me Park Avenue," when Eddie Albert tried to interest her in farming. I'm beginning to see Eva's point. But, we actually have two tomato plants in, as well as three cantaloupe plants, two cucumbers (or is it two cantaloupes and three cucumbers?) and three summer peppers (no I don't know exactly what a "summer pepper" is). I also found lemon cucumber seeds and started them in peat pots. Mom really wanted lemon cukes and I couldn't find any already started. It's a farm out there!
Tomatoes at far end, some member of the melon family up close.

On the other side of the veggies, nearly always in the shade, are shade-loving mints and Vinca.

Me in Bob's mud shoes. Now I know how Bozo feels.

Bob's dirty hands as he adds flowers to a hanging basket.

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