Thursday, October 11, 2012

What? More water heater drama?

I swore I wasn't going to waste any more blogging space on our water heater. But, I can't let this pass. The home warranty company (it shall remain nameless, but suffice it to say we're finding another one when this policy expires) will kick in $509 today towards a new water heater from the same plumbing company that's been dealing with them this week (Wind Benders out of Springfield - roughly $1300 for a new one and  installation) or in 3-5 days, the home warranty people will have a new A.O. Smith water heater installed, but charge us $115 for a drain, $65 for a flue, $125 for a permit, $74 for a pan, and $520 for some other stuff (Bob didn't annotate the quote completely - for a total of ~$900). Bob talked to Wind Benders, and they'll install a new gas valve for a bit over $500, without the home warranty company's involvement. So, we've got about $800 for a new water heater ($1300 - 509), about $900 (all in "additional charges"), or about $500 for a new valve. Kill me now. We're debating. I've got a call in to my nephew, who does water heaters among other plumbing stuff, just for his advice (he lives in Pennsylvania). Plus, Bob wants to talk to Mike, the Wind Benders tech who's been to our house twice. Nice guy and he seems to know what's going on. Meanwhile, we turn the water heater off except for once a day heating of a tankful of water, so we can bathe, run the dishwasher, and do laundry. It's still leaking natural gas into the utility room. :(

On a completely different note, Isabella went to see Dr. Nguyenba yesterday in Worthington for her cardiac check-up. She's doing well and Dr. N is pleased. Plus, he showed us pictures of his three kids (the baby is only 5 months old) on his new iPhone. The kids are adorable. :)

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