Saturday, December 29, 2012

What? More snow?

We awoke to another 2-3" of snow. We've had more snow in the last week than we had all last winter. Here are some shots around Troy of our "winter wonderland."
See? He's wearing his hat this time.

One of our basement windows.

Doesn't this look like a Christmas card?

Our friends at Tire Discounters are at it again.

First you go sledding ....

Or lying down ....

Then you go to Tim Horton's for hot chocolate and a doughnut!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

I'm dreaming of a white day-after Christmas

Where is his hat? Bob shovels the drive, but our across-the-street neighbors aren't so diligent.

Oh no. We're out of de-icer.

There are birds all over the feeder. That's a female cardinal in the upper left.

We put snowflake clings on the windows before Christmas. Contrast those with the real thing on the window by the front door.

A nice snowy touch to our front door wreath.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

A cup of Listerine cheer

I had my teeth cleaned last week. The hygienist recommended a couple of Listerine mouthwashes and gave me samples. Dr. Culp (our dentist) came in and commented, "There's a lot of alcohol in that one. Add it to a cup of eggnog and you'd have quite a cup of cheer." Hey, I don't recommend it - but if there's anyone out there who wants an eggnog mouthwash, throw some of this in your traditional Christmas drink:

On a completely different note, I took of picture of Bob this morning during his morning bird feeder filling and patio clean-up duties. He doesn't look happy, but then it was cold outside.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Winter solstice

Winter started this morning at 6:11 a.m. EST and we've had snow all day (though not heavy). The wind has blown, too, which moves the snow all around. We won't have a white Christmas, because temperatures will rise and we're supposed to have rain. Oh well. We were close.
I took these photos with my iPod, so they're not the highest quality.  You get the idea. This is our front walk.

Our decorated tree in front.

The back yard.

The people working at Troy's Bakehouse ... or the elves, as the case may be.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

I love Kroger

Kroger gives gas points:  every $100 spent equals 10 cents off per gallon of gas. Well, we had a really good December, when Kroger gave 4x points for gift cards purchased through Dec. 9 (every dollar spent on gift cards equaled 4x in gas points; $25 gift card = 100 gas points). We ended up with over 900 points (yowza) and got gas for an amazingly low price. See the receipt below:

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I am a hockey buff ... who knew?

We've attended some hockey games at Hobart Arena. The Silver Sticks tournament was held on Dec. 1-2 and 8-9. Our nephew Ryan and his wife Tanja accompanied us on Dec. 8. We all aspire to be Zamboni drivers.
Pity the goalie - trapped under there somewhere.

Different team, different game. See the puck?

My dream job: Zamboni driver.

Our tree on top of the credenza.