Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas from a state that can't decide if it's rainy or snowy

We've had the weirdest weather. December, by and large, was abnormally cold and snowy. Normal snowfall in Dec. before Christmas in the Dayton area is 3". We had 14". Yowza. Along with this snow came very cold temperatures. There were days when we had highs that were lower than the normal lows. Yes, you read that right. Then a few days ago, it warmed up to the mid-50s (California winter temperatures!) and rained and rained. The higher temperatures melted any snow, plus we had lots of extra water because of the rain. And where do we live? In an area with a big river running through it. There was major flooding in the Miami River Valley. We were fine, because our house is on a hill (they don't call it "Hunter's Ridge" for nothing). Others were not so fortunate. We saw lots of flooded cars (at least one woman had to be rescued because she didn't remember that tip about not driving over a flooded road), flooded houses, and backyards that disappeared under water.
Don't go down that stairway!

The Miami River decided to inundate the road to the covered bridge.

What trail?

A Merry Christmas greeting from one of our visiting cardinals. And from us, too.

Monday, November 25, 2013

The animals are thankful for ....

It's 3 days before Thanksgiving, though with all the Christmas decorations up, you'd think it was 3 days after. Our squirrels are thankful for corn and black oil sunflower seeds on cold mornings. Isabella is thankful for the "wall of flames" (i.e. the fireplace) and heater vents. We hope you all have a happy Thanksgiving.
I have cornstalks and Indian corn on the front porch as autumn decor. The squirrels have found the Indian corn. I'll soon have only cobs left. It's OK - I was going to give it to them anyway.

Here's one of the little corn-stealers.

Almost as good as the "wall of flames."

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Bronchitis 1, Pat 0

Sickness reigns supreme. I'm slowly getting better from lung crud. My advice: don't get it. If you do, go to the doctor sooner than 8 days into the coughing fits, which is how long I waited. "It's just a cold!" Well, sometimes it isn't. On the weather front, we've had two little snowstorms. The first was in mid-October, which is unusually early. The second was the other day, which makes more sense. But, temperatures in the upper 50s are predicted for this week. Gotta love Ohio. We're all over the place. Mom keeps asking when spring will come. "Mom, it's only November. We still have to deal with January."
My meds. I'm so happy.

The downside of fall color. Eventually all those pretty leaves fall off.
Our neighbor Braden and little Shelby, their puppy.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

I've been remiss

Okay, I admit. I've been lazy. It's been 2 months (!) since my last post. In Ohio, that's the difference between "what do you mean I have to mow the lawn and it's 90 degrees?" and "let's light the fireplace." We've had a weird autumn. Some trees are in full color and others are ignoring the entire autumn thing. "I believe I'll remain green" is their motto. We think after some freezing temperatures, they'll change their minds. I found some pictures on my camera from summer. So, enjoy some wildflowers and tomatoes.
Summer: bergamot (pink) and a member of the carnation family (red). I think I posted a picture of the bergamot in July.

Summer: one darned big tomato (our brother-in-law Jack grew this).

"Me" and "hemming": two words I never thought I'd use in the same sentence. Moving to Ohio is a game-changer. P.S. These are pj's - not "real" pants.

But the real me still comes out: my Ikea plates in wave length order. P.S. My new countertops in the kitchen are on view. Silestone "Lyra" - meant to look like marble.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Hard to swim

Our beloved YMCA pool is empty for annual cleaning and painting. It won't be done and ready for swimming until the day after Labor Day. We're taking AOA aerobics and AOA strength classes during the swim break. AOA= active older adults, and the classes aren't as wimpy as you might think. Just ask Bob how his triceps are feeling after Thursday's strength class. :)

No one is in danger of drowning! Aren't those lane lines beautiful?

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Early summer

I'm a beetle. Not a fly, not a bug.
Fireflies are back. Okay, they're not flies. They're beetles. This is apparent from the photo above. It's summer. Fireflies (or lightning bugs, as you prefer - but they're not bugs, either) love warm humid nights. They out in the yard signaling to one another.  Other summer things we're seeing and doing: making iced tea (thank you, Fred and Beth, for the iced tea maker), going to Ikea (the only one in Ohio), and watching my calla lilies bloom.

Iced tea! Invented just for hot, humid summers.

We saw the stop sign. So, we stopped.

My pink calla lily - also have some yellow ones.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Lots of stuff to do

Busy time in Troy ... GOBA riders, then the Cincinnati Pops concert, and finally the Theatre on Ice competition. I can't keep up! We went to the Pops concert on June 21. Longest day of the year - so it didn't get dark till the concert was nearly over. Bob had his picture taken with the mezzo soprano soloist, Amanda Pabyan. On the 22nd, we watched the Theatre on Ice teams practice at Hobart Arena. Since time on the ice is a scarce resource, each team got 10 minutes to practice. That's it - no more. Final competitions started later that day. Of course, we have some pictures.

Bob and Amanda Pabyan, soloist with the Cinci Pops.

The blue skaters.

The umbrella skaters.

Don't let go!

Monday, June 17, 2013

GOBA: Great Ohio Bicycle Adventure

GOBA came to Troy on Sunday. For you Californians used to Amgen bike races, GOBA isn't like that. It's real people who ride through the Ohio countryside every June, stopping at places along the way. Obviously, to ride miles and miles, the riders have to be in shape - but they're not Tour de France material. We saw lots of tandems and recumbents. Real people bikes!

A sign at the park entrance where GOBA riders were camped.

A tandem recumbent trike. How cool.

Close up of tandem recumbent trike.

GOBA riders camped in a Troy park. Note laundry hanging on line.

Friday, June 14, 2013

California trip, part 1

I was in California June 4-10 for my niece's high school graduation. It was so good to see family and friends, as well as old haunts in San Luis Obispo (and some new ones, too!). One thing I forgot in the two years I've been in Ohio: the phrase "June gloom," which refers to summer fog along the coast. It can be cold and dismal, which most out-of-state tourists don't realize - as they go shopping for a sweater or jacket. :)

Tanja, Ryan, Lola, and Sue Ellen at Karlee's grad dinner at 10th Street Grill, Los Osos

She graduates!

Another high school grad in the family.

June gloom. Fog rolls in over the hills.

Big gas heaters for outdoor dining in the fog.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Famous bird photographer

Bob was outside wrapped in his camo bird blind cloth, trying to fake out the backyard birds. I had to take a picture.

The birds never suspected.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

A trip to Columbus

We went to Green Lawn Cemetery in Columbus to look at birds. It is one of the top 20 birding sites in Ohio. I saw a warbler I couldn't identify, but I also saw an American redstart. My first time to see one! We also saw lots of robins, blue jays, grackles, Canada geese - you know, the usual suspects. After wandering around the cemetery for a bit, we went to the Green Lawn Ave. dam nearby, reported to be a hot birding spot. Well, not so much when we were there. We saw Canada geese right near the dam, and wondered how they kept from being swept over. Strong legs, I guess. Then, we went to Plank's Bier Garten in German Village (Columbus) for lunch. Afterward, we stopped at Juergen's Bakery and Restaurant for a little pastry nosh. Good day: birds, beer, and Bavarian pastry. :)

Goose near the edge. Good quads.

With names like Schoknecht and Haberkern, we already knew this.


Yes, it was good.

Back home. When is it time to mow? When the cardinal says, "It's a jungle out here."

Saturday, May 11, 2013

April showers bring May flowers

Well, April showers also bring April flowers. Here are some wildflower photos from Brukner Nature Center, west of Troy. These were taken at the end of April. We need to go on another walk soon to see what May has brought us.

A white trillium with a pink tinge.

One of the redbuds in bloom on Polecat Road.

These are Virginia bluebells ... I know, I know - we're not in Virginia!

Redbuds reflected in the pond at Brukner Nature Center.


In Calif., we're used to wild yellow violets called Johnny Jump-ups. In the east, there are many kinds of wild violets.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Flowers galore

Once spring decides to get going, there are flowers everywhere. I was out on my bike and I snapped these photos with my iPod camera. They're not the greatest, but you get the idea.
Flowering tree near JC Penney's in Piqua.

A tulip bed near the Adams Street Bridge.


Three different flowering trees in Riverside Cemetery.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Suddenly, spring appeared

Just when we were beginning to wonder if it would ever come, spring arrived. Bada bing. Just like that. Now we have flowering trees, loads of daffodils, tulips, forsythia everywhere, and hyacinths in nearly everyone's yard. It's really very pretty. I've been riding my bike, too. Thunderstorms are due tomorrow, so no bike riding then (or golfing, as Bob is doing today).
This is the same daffodil with the snow and icicles not too long ago. The little hole with the dirt in front (left) is where one of the chipmunks hangs out.

Our new dogwood tree. It will have pink flowers.

These are peonies. They'll be many feet tall soon.

Not our tulips, but I think they're so pretty, I had to take a picture.

My shoes, my bike.