Wednesday, January 9, 2013

We're melting

Our temperatures are on the rise - in the 40s today with near 60 degrees predicted in the next days. Our snow is going away. This is good and bad. Good because we can finally get the car washed. Bad because the snow is pretty (except for the part my brother calls "snirt" - snow mixed with dirt that accumulates along the roads). But, before all the snow is gone (this time), here are some pictures taken before the temperatures rose to the melting level.
This was our low temperature early in the year.

Ludlow Falls.

Close up of ice globs.

Snow snake. Snow does not melt or fall off branches in a uniform manner. This is a good illustration.

Frosty branches.

Another Troy hockey game (Troy is in red and white.) Each time I attend, they lose. What's up with that?


Becky Andrews said...

Those temperatures sound pretty awesome for us :)!

Retired Duo said...

They are awesome. It was 58 degrees yesterday. Our snow is gone, except for the big piles where the snow plows came through. However, predictions are for much cooler temps on the way and perhaps more snow. Hey, it's only January - it's to be expected.