Monday, November 25, 2013

The animals are thankful for ....

It's 3 days before Thanksgiving, though with all the Christmas decorations up, you'd think it was 3 days after. Our squirrels are thankful for corn and black oil sunflower seeds on cold mornings. Isabella is thankful for the "wall of flames" (i.e. the fireplace) and heater vents. We hope you all have a happy Thanksgiving.
I have cornstalks and Indian corn on the front porch as autumn decor. The squirrels have found the Indian corn. I'll soon have only cobs left. It's OK - I was going to give it to them anyway.

Here's one of the little corn-stealers.

Almost as good as the "wall of flames."

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Bronchitis 1, Pat 0

Sickness reigns supreme. I'm slowly getting better from lung crud. My advice: don't get it. If you do, go to the doctor sooner than 8 days into the coughing fits, which is how long I waited. "It's just a cold!" Well, sometimes it isn't. On the weather front, we've had two little snowstorms. The first was in mid-October, which is unusually early. The second was the other day, which makes more sense. But, temperatures in the upper 50s are predicted for this week. Gotta love Ohio. We're all over the place. Mom keeps asking when spring will come. "Mom, it's only November. We still have to deal with January."
My meds. I'm so happy.

The downside of fall color. Eventually all those pretty leaves fall off.
Our neighbor Braden and little Shelby, their puppy.