Friday, May 28, 2010

Update on Ryan and Tanja

The kids posted a picture from the outskirts of Albuquerque, NM, a few hours ago. They're making steady progress toward Duncansville, PA.

Retirement things

We've turned into European grocery shoppers - pop into the store daily or every-other-daily to pick up a few things, rather than staging a major grocery expedition on Sunday. One advantage: we're in Trader Joe's so often, we get to fill out the little ticket for the drawing multiple times per week instead of once. (Our TJ's rewards those of us who bring our own bags by giving the shopper a ticket on which he/she writes his/her name, putting the ticket in a basket and at some point drawing a winning ticket - I think once a week - and the winner gets some sort of prize. We wouldn't know, since we've never won the drawing!)

We've also reacquainted ourselves with the public library. Before, with taking Mom shopping on Saturday and the p.l. being closed on Sunday, we just never had time to go there. Our reading material came from Kennedy Library, where I worked, and from our mobile home park's club house library (not a bad little library for current fiction). So, now we've begun hanging out at the p.l. again. Cozying up to as many libraries as possible is always a good thing.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I went to Sierra Vista Hospital for an intra-articular shot of cortisone and marcaine into my shoulder capsule, done with the aid of fluoroscopy. Let's just say it wasn't fun. The radiologist and X-ray technician were as nice as could be - no complaints there. But having a needle put into a joint that is already "testy" was not an experience I care to repeat. Let's hope it was worth it ....

To lighten the mood a bit, here is a picture of Edward, our boy kitty. He was looking out the front window when this was taken. And, here's a picture of my mother's neighbor's new puppy, Molly. She's the cutest little Yorkshire pup.

Bob's golfing this afternoon, and I'm resting my shoulder. I think a cup of tea and a good book are just the ticket.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Good bye to Ryan and Tanja

We went to a party yesterday evening at Avila Beach for Ryan and Tanja. It sounds lovely, but it was so cold and windy. The wind was biting and it blew sand into our faces. Do I look like I'm having fun here?

They will leave Tuesday for their new life in western Pennsylvania. We will miss them.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

First week

This is a weird week. My brain thinks I'm on vacation, because it's never been retired before. But, this will all work out, I think. I'm on a Rosamunde Pilcher kick this week. Rereading Coming Home and also reading Winter Solstice. I'm a sucker for a good WWII novel, hence Coming Home.

Here's a picture of my last day of work, May 14th. The Library always gives a copy of Cal Poly, the First Hundred Years to retirees. It's a lovely book and filled with great pictures. I received my staff emeritus letter today from President Baker. Very nice.