Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I went to Sierra Vista Hospital for an intra-articular shot of cortisone and marcaine into my shoulder capsule, done with the aid of fluoroscopy. Let's just say it wasn't fun. The radiologist and X-ray technician were as nice as could be - no complaints there. But having a needle put into a joint that is already "testy" was not an experience I care to repeat. Let's hope it was worth it ....

To lighten the mood a bit, here is a picture of Edward, our boy kitty. He was looking out the front window when this was taken. And, here's a picture of my mother's neighbor's new puppy, Molly. She's the cutest little Yorkshire pup.

Bob's golfing this afternoon, and I'm resting my shoulder. I think a cup of tea and a good book are just the ticket.

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