Saturday, June 26, 2010

Just cruising along

We've been doing errands, making sure the house is clean for a realtor and his client who never showed (not our realtor, I hasten to add), and making decisions about retirement accounts -- if we do this, then what about that?, etc. Here are a few photos of the past week or so. The one of Bob and his finger needs explanation. He had to have his finger lanced because of an infection under the nail. I know that "lancing" would usually equal pain, but he said it was NOT painful, and his finger feels much better after the event. The picture of Isabella's kitty walk on the deck also needs explanation. We cover the netting with towels so she won't be exposed to the sun - she is a little blonde girl and we don't want her to get skin cancer. When she's set up like this, we call it her little Conestoga wagon. She's crossing the Great Plains on her way to the Oregon Territory.


Becky Andrews said...

Retirement sounds like an adventure!

Retired Duo said...

Hi Becky. It is an adventure, but we're making it up as we go along.