Sunday, January 2, 2011

Oh boy. More rain.

I know, I know. We need the rain. Another 1.7" overnight and it's still raining.


Retired Duo said...

Less than an hour later and the rain gauge is nearing 2". It's pouring out there.

Becky Andrews said...

Wow. Hoping you get some sunshine SOON. I am not sure where you are at - is this typical for you this time of year?

Retired Duo said...

Hi Becky -
It's typical and it's not. Explanation: we always get our rain in the winter. It's winter = therefore rain. However, it's not normal to get 10" in a few days, followed by another 2", followed by another 2" (or more). It's been especially wet this winter. (BTW, we're about in the middle between San Francisco and Los Angeles.)