Wednesday, April 6, 2011

More from Ohio

Well, we knew the weather would be different in Ohio. We’ve been here a week and we’ve had snow, balmy temperatures in the low 70s, and a very rainy Monday, with lightning and thunder. We were in Lowe’s on Monday and it rained so hard that we thought the store roof might give way. We kept looking up, waiting for the lake of water to come in on our heads. But Sunday was even weirder … started out with a chilly wind, temperatures in the 40s. Then a new air mass moved in and suddenly it was quite warm out. It was still in the low 70s at 8:30 p.m. Loved it! Weather is more changeable when there’s no Pacific Ocean to be “master and commander.”

We’re gradually learning our way around. We generally know which direction to go, even if we don’t do it in the most efficient manner. We’ll just get good at routes and directions and then the city will close the Adams Street bridge for much needed reconstruction. It’s scheduled to close in June, after the annual Strawberry Festival. That will leave only one bridge across the Great Miami River in the downtown area. Could be interesting....

We actually put an offer on a house, but were countered at what we think is too high a price. Our realtor thinks the owners will stick, and anyway, the house is really too big. So, we think we're walking away. There are more fish in the pond!

Obvious differences between Ohio and Calif. (other than the weather):

1. They say "pop," not "soda." For example, a coupon from a bowling alley: Medium pizza and a liter of pop, $12.00.

2. Riding lawn mowers - huge displays at Lowe's and Home Depot.

3. Road salt: bags and bags, still on display.

4. Stop lights are yellow, not black.

I'll keep my eyes open for other interesting Ohio factoids. Hi to all.

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