Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Final pictures of Karlee's visit

Ohio Caverns - note the "Sure we're open" sign (no need to ask).

Is this cool or what?

Ryan and Tanja came from Pennsylvania to see us while Karlee was here.
I know, I know ... Karlee's back in California - has started school - and I'm just now posting the end of her visit to Ohio. Call me slow.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

More of Karlee's visit

Karlee pets a Johnston Farm barn kitty.

Mom, Karlee, and me on the General Harrison.

Karlee and I pose by the Miami & Erie Canal sign.
I'm slow in posting - we put Karlee on the plane a week ago and here I am adding another post about her visit. We went to Johnston Farm in Piqua, Ohio - the home and farm are much as they were in 1829. Nearby is a section of the Miami and Erie Canal. We took a ride on the canal boat, a replica, called the General Harrison (after William Henry Harrison, 9th president of the U.S.). It's mule-drawn and the mules hang out in the Johnston Farm barn when they're off-duty.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Air Force Museum

I've been so busy with our niece that I haven't had time to blog. Here's our trip to the Air Force Museum in Dayton, which is an amazing place. So many things to see: planes, rockets, the Berlin Wall, etc., etc.
 The three "girls" at the museum.
 Doesn't he look like a regular astronaut?
As always, I'm too short!
Karlee and the scary Berlin Wall lady with the scissors (I believe she was cutting down the Eastern German flag and was supposed to be happy - but really she looked like something out of a slasher movie).

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Summer in "the Middle"

The heat wave may be giving up, ever so slightly. We actually have a forecast of a high in the 70s sometime out there (but you know long-term forecasts can be whacko). Meanwhile, it's in the low 90s. But that's better than high 90s, especially when it's humid. My pictures for the day are:
 (1) I call this "And away they all flew like the down on a thistle."
 (2) Isabella and a squirrel face off. The squirrels and the cats entertain each other all the time.
 (3) A field of sunflowers out near Fulton Farms. It's really too bad that Vincent van Gogh is no longer here to capture this field on canvas.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Well, I never!

We found out this morning that Ohio sees fit to charge sales tax on prescriptions for pets, but not for people. Excuse me! So, the state of Ohio made $0.81 today off the treatment for the heart condition of our cat. I hope the people in Columbus spend it wisely. :)

Monday, August 1, 2011

Update on Isabella

A vet at MedVet in Worthington just called. The results of the Holter monitor are in. Isabella does have an arrhythmia, and they want her to take atenolol, a beta blocker. They'll call in a prescription to Walgreen's in Troy and we'll pick it up tomorrow. She'll take 1/4 pill (and apparently, they're small pills to begin with) twice a day. Then, in a couple of weeks, the vets want to put the Holter back on her for 24 hours and see if the atenolol is working. Oh joy of joys. Another trip to Worthington. Does she look thrilled in the picture? I think not.
I guess we're not terribly surprised - why would Dr. Roth see ventricular premature complexes and the people at MedVet wouldn't? At least we know Isabella's heart is structurally okay. If the atenolol does the job, then we're good to go.