Saturday, August 6, 2011

Summer in "the Middle"

The heat wave may be giving up, ever so slightly. We actually have a forecast of a high in the 70s sometime out there (but you know long-term forecasts can be whacko). Meanwhile, it's in the low 90s. But that's better than high 90s, especially when it's humid. My pictures for the day are:
 (1) I call this "And away they all flew like the down on a thistle."
 (2) Isabella and a squirrel face off. The squirrels and the cats entertain each other all the time.
 (3) A field of sunflowers out near Fulton Farms. It's really too bad that Vincent van Gogh is no longer here to capture this field on canvas.


Becky Andrews said...

My parents are in Nauvoo, IL this summer and it does sound so sweltering! Love how you capture nature.

Retired Duo said...

Hi Becky,
I'll bet Nauvoo, IL, has been as bad as Ohio. It's predicted that cooler weather is coming. We're bracing for a late afternoon thunderstorm right now. When will your parents return to Utah?