Sunday, January 15, 2012

Winter wonderland

We were out this morning on a walk. 10 degrees. My nose was cold. The sun is out, though, and that lifts our spirits. Plus, we try to remember how HOT it was in July.

Here are a few more pictures of an Ohio winter.
Icicles in our neighbor's downspout.

Kiser Lake, partly frozen.

Snowy branches near Kiser Lake.

Mom's first try-out of her winter clothes. She's not sure about the boots yet.

This cardinal says, "Really? I could have flown to Florida."

Mom's preferred hang-out in her sitting room.


Becky Andrews said...

Brrr. 15 degrees is our threshold for running in the morning -- not sure if I could do 10! There is something about winter that is a wonderland! Hope you have a great day.

Retired Duo said...

We weren't out very long! I have a 40 degree and no wind threshold for riding my bike (plus no rain or snow). I think your 15 degree limit for runs (or in our case, walks) is darned good. Thank goodness the YMCA is open rain or shine, cold or hot. We can swim, use the fitness room, or shoot baskets in the gym. No excuses!