Friday, April 6, 2012

Blooms everywhere

The background flowers are phlox.

Aren't these amazing?
Our crabapple tree is the best tree on the block ... and I say that with complete modesty. I've included a photo. Also tulips are in full force right now. I didn't plant any last fall (my bad), but I'll remedy that this autumn. The tulip photos you'll see are from the plantings at the Upper Valley Medical Center. Mom had to go there for an electrocardiogram (she's having arthroscopic knee surgery next Tuesday, and the EKG was part of the pre-op stuff).
Our tree wins, even with us standing in front of it.


Becky Andrews said...

Such a lovely time of year! Your yard sounds beautiful. Happy Easter.

Retired Duo said...

Happy Easter to you and your family, Becky.