Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Apple Fest

Last weekend, we went to the Aullwood Farm, near Englewood Metropark, for their 2012 Apple Fest. Apple pie, apple dumplings, apple butter - of course! But also corn on the cob, steamed in a steel garbage can (clean!) from steam generated by an old (really old - I think it belonged to James Watt!) steam tractor. So cool. We also saw lots of animals, including alpacas - those guys are the cutest. I want one for the back yard. Bob says city regulations prohibit livestock in the yard. Oh pooh. Who makes up these rules, anyway?

Seriously cute.

Also cute.

The old steam tractor.

Swallowtail caterpillar.

What happens if you hold a swallowtail caterpillar too long. Caterpillar frass (aka poop).

They say have tofurky for Thanksgiving.

I'm underneath the combine chute. Not to worry - it's not running.

3 little pigs. I'm assuming these are the ones who built their house from straw.

Don't know this lady, but she had a chicken on her head. Couldn't resist a photo.


Anonymous said...

I think you should ask the city for a waiver so you can have an alpaca. I always want a miniature goat after I go to Avila Valley barn. No lawn mowing! And I'm sure the kitties would love a new friend...

Becky Andrews said...

That sounds like a delightful fest!

Retired Duo said...

If I can get a waiver, maybe I'll have some chickens in the back, too. The lady with the chicken on her head looked quite comfortable. :)