Friday, December 21, 2012

Winter solstice

Winter started this morning at 6:11 a.m. EST and we've had snow all day (though not heavy). The wind has blown, too, which moves the snow all around. We won't have a white Christmas, because temperatures will rise and we're supposed to have rain. Oh well. We were close.
I took these photos with my iPod, so they're not the highest quality.  You get the idea. This is our front walk.

Our decorated tree in front.

The back yard.

The people working at Troy's Bakehouse ... or the elves, as the case may be.


Becky Andrews said...

Oh that wind combo at this time of year is no fun! Merry Christmas to you and yours. Much love, Becky & Cricket

Retired Duo said...

Thanks, Becky and Cricket. Merry Christmas to your family, too.