Wednesday, March 6, 2013

I'm dreaming of a white St. Patrick's Day ....

Well, actually I'm hoping St. Patrick's Day will not be like today. We got about 6.5" of snow overnight. It was typical late-winter snow - heavy and hard to shovel. Our neighbor kindly lent us his snow blower, which we used to clear the driveway. But, of course, we had to have some fun, too. Here are some sledding pictures. Bob didn't want to get wet and cold, so he took the pictures.

No points for form.

Cal Poly folks: note I'm wearing Cal Poly socks.

The speed, the daring.

The goldfinches are really beginning to get yellow - males don't bother with all the color when it's not breeding season.


jan said...

Love those sledding shots! and I think your form is flawless!

Retired Duo said...

Thanks, Jan. I suspect I won't make any kind of sledding team, Olympic or otherwise.