Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Deer: this is war!

I was tempted to title this, "You die, Bambi," but that sounds so harsh. The deer moved through last night and dined at Pat's 3-star restaurant. Look at my marigold 6-pack. Not a blossom left! And my sweet pea 6-pack - chewed, gnawed, nibbled ... generally roughed up. What's a gardener to do? Too bad I don't know any mountain lions ....

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Where's my marine layer?

Isabella is outside in her Kittywalk; it's 99 degrees. Need more be said?

Friday, August 20, 2010

A Nook snuggie

I ordered a knitted Nook cover through Etsy from a dedicated knitter in Colorado named OmaSocks. Isn't it the cutest thing? My Nook is so warm and happy in there.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Ah ... retirement

Bob's playing golf, so I'm listening to opera, eating vanilla ice cream with peaches from my Uncle Lew's mini-orchard, and playing with my little Nookmeister. Project Gutenberg and I have become close friends. There's much to be said for retirement. If you're undecided about the Big R: I say go for it. :)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

More pictures from Deer Camp

Here are more pictures from our gathering for Carol at Deer Camp on August 1st. Cousin Joe Valdez tending a tired little one, my uncles Roy and Lew and cousin Jeff (his daughter just announced her engagement), Pat & cousin Jim (Carol's brother and chief caterer for the gathering), and aunt Shirley.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Gathering for Carol at Deer Camp

We gathered on Sunday, August 1st, to celebrate the life of my cousin, Carol. She passed away last Monday. There are a lot of pictures, so I'll do more than one post. In this first tribute to Carol, there's a picture of the table with photos and flowers. Also, a shot of Carol's grandson (so cool in his shades) with her mother, Amelee (the proud great-grandmother). Finally, a picture of my uncle Lew, Carol's dad, and my uncle Bob.