Monday, August 2, 2010

Gathering for Carol at Deer Camp

We gathered on Sunday, August 1st, to celebrate the life of my cousin, Carol. She passed away last Monday. There are a lot of pictures, so I'll do more than one post. In this first tribute to Carol, there's a picture of the table with photos and flowers. Also, a shot of Carol's grandson (so cool in his shades) with her mother, Amelee (the proud great-grandmother). Finally, a picture of my uncle Lew, Carol's dad, and my uncle Bob.


slocyn said...

Sorry for your loss, but it does look like a wonderful gathering. Next Friday Mary is attending a "party" for the deceased mother of her first child enrolled in her daycare. Mom died of stomach cancer and her wish was that when she passed there be no sadness ... ... so I'm going to watch the kids so she can be there with her first "other baby."

Retired Duo said...

Thanks, Cyndee. My cousin had multiple sclerosis that progressed to the point where she couldn't move, talk, eat, and finally ... breathe. She died right before her 55th birthday. It was her wish to have the gathering at Deer Camp rather than a funeral. It was a lovely way to celebrate her life.