Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Deer: this is war!

I was tempted to title this, "You die, Bambi," but that sounds so harsh. The deer moved through last night and dined at Pat's 3-star restaurant. Look at my marigold 6-pack. Not a blossom left! And my sweet pea 6-pack - chewed, gnawed, nibbled ... generally roughed up. What's a gardener to do? Too bad I don't know any mountain lions ....


slocyn said...

The deer are crashing the mobile home park??!?? I don't get it and I'm very afraid. Very glad they don't infiltrate our front porch when far too kind friends leave gifties for us. Formal Thanks to follow... cookies and beverage being enjoyed!

Retired Duo said...

Cyndee, we have deer all over out here, and apparently, they think marigolds are a gourmet item. We were thinking of dressing Ed up as a mt. lion and sending him out for a little "venison vendetta" (which we've abbreviated "ven ven"). But, considering it's Ed, the potential for some injury looms large! Glad you're enjoying the Aqua Pumpkin and the cookies. We'll see Rodney in about 90 min. The car goes in for new brake pads. See you soon.