Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Scene of the crime

It looks like an innocent bathtub, but it's not. Just last night, Edward was "helping" me take a bath and he fell in. Panic ensued, as they say. He tried to scrabble out twice and fell back in ... on the third try he was successful. Meanwhile, I just tried to stay out of the way of his claws. I was mostly successful, with a scratch on the ankle and on the knee. Oh my, the potential for disaster loomed large. I suspect poor Ed will be quite respectful of the tub from now on.


Anonymous said...

Poor Edward! He was only trying to be helpful, in case you were drowning or something. Did he drip water through the house? I bet Bella was laughing behind her paw.


Retired Duo said...

He ran for the closet and underwent a major licking session (I guess it was his version of toweling off). I don't know what Isabella did. I was too busy cleaning up the bathroom. :)