Saturday, October 22, 2011

Frost is on the pumpkin

We woke up to 30 degrees today and frost on the lawn and roof. Is it time to buy a snow shovel? Our good friend Joan visited last week, so we had to do the usual stuff: Air Force Museum, canal boat ride, etc. We also went to Bear's Mill near Greenville and we hit Ikea near Cincinnati (where America shops). Joan had to limit herself to buying light &/or flat things because she was flying home. No dining room tables, kitchen sinks, or floor lamps. (Too bad, because there are some good ones at Ikea.)
Here are some photos of life around Troy.
One of the buildings at Bear's Mill.

Creepy autumn clouds.

Joan and me at Bear's Mill. Note her Cal Poly sweatshirt. Go Mustangs!

Pile of pumpkins at Fulton Farms. An autumn tradition.

No it hasn't snowed yet. This is "Zamboni leavings" outside the Hobart Arena.

1 comment:

Becky Andrews said...

Oh dear not quite ready for that frost on the pumpkin!