Tuesday, February 7, 2012


60 years old today. I went to my deep water power class (we're in the deep end of the pool with buoyancy belts) and did the usual 45 minute work-out. It's cardio, flexibility, and strength-training, all in one. This evening, we're eating dinner at Tony's Italian Kitchen. One of the waiters is named Nick, and he says, "How you doin?" just like Joey on Friends. I hope he's working tonight.

Here are some recent pictures. Except for the one snow on snow, we haven't had much winter. It's in the 30s today and overcast, but I rode my bike yesterday when it was in the mid-40s and sunny.

Here we are by the Stillwater River near Brukner Nature Center.

Apparently, Mom's loveseat is another demilitarized zone for the cats.

Brian, a docent at Brukner Nature Center, in the middle of his black rat snake demo. She is a nice snake. See her little tongue?

The Adams Street bridge builders are really making progress. We'll be thrilled when it's done.

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