Thursday, February 2, 2012

Rosie has "spoken"

It seems Rosie, Dayton's own woodchuck weather wizard, agreed with Punxsutawney Phil in Pennsylvania - it's six more weeks of winter. They've seen their shadows. Now, as much as I'm impressed by rodents predicting the weather, I have some trouble believing Rosie and Phil really know what they're "talking about". We haven't had six weeks of winter yet, let alone six more weeks. Yesterday I rode my bike in my shirt sleeves. 60 degrees! Amazing. Today it's cooler, but still sunny and quite nice. 

We're not so naive as to believe spring is here ... no, we're well aware that old man winter will return. But, this weather is lovely while we have it. So, perhaps Rosie and Phil are right - don't put those sleds away yet.

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