Saturday, March 3, 2012

Spring ... kind of

We had a hair-raising day yesterday. We were under a tornado watch for the afternoon and evening. Thunder and lightning came over a few times (one thunderclap shook the house). At a bit after 4:00 p.m., we heard the tornado sirens (note to my San Luis Obispo County friends: tornado sirens are like the nuclear power plant sirens) and so we headed to the basement. We listened to the radio down there and couldn't figure out why the sirens had sounded (no reports of severe thunderstorms or tornado activity in our county), so we came back up and cooked dinner. It was quite windy last night, but nothing was damaged. We were so fortunate, compared to the poor people in Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, and very southern Ohio.

Tornado weather means spring is here! I've enclosed pictures of our crocuses, a mystery bulb (we'll see what actually blooms - a hyacinth?), and some deer out for a walk.

Such brave little souls. I hope they don't get snowed on.

I don't remember what I planted! I think it may be a hyacinth.

White-tailed deer checking out the winter wheat in a farmer's field.

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