Friday, March 30, 2012

Spring, snakes, and 1st Troy anniversary

We've been here a year! March 29th is our Troy anniversary. Last year, we arrived bedraggled and tired, and this year, we're recovered and rarin' to go. I've enclosed a photo of Bob, Penny, Jack, Mom, and me at El Sombrero restaurant, our favorite anniversary spot. The owner, Reuben, graciously took our picture for us. Such a nice man. I've also included photos of flowering trees, because they're so beautiful. And, for those of you who love all of nature's creatures, there's a picture of a black rat snake we saw at Charleston Falls County Park. No grimacing! It's a cute snake. :)
At El Sombrero. 1st anniversary of Troyness.

Our crabapple tree. See how much progress it has made?

Redbuds are everywhere.

Bradford pears are now past peak bloom, but I wanted to include this one.

Isn't she (he?) a beauty? A black rat snake at Charleston Falls.

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