Monday, September 3, 2012

Isaac ... not so much

We've waited for days to be inundated with rain from the remnants of Hurricane Isaac. Didn't happen. We got some light rain, some sprinkles - but the 5" predicted was more like 0.25". Oh well. Poor Louisiana got clobbered. I hope the next hurricane just floats off into the northern Atlantic Ocean and doesn't bother anyone (though some rain here in Miami Co. would be a good thing).
This bird/squirrel food dish was dry. Look at the inundation.

Just because it's September doesn't mean it's not humid. Poor Bob is all sweaty after raking.

Our lemon cucumbers are finally big enough to harvest. Also on display - one of my jars of refrigerator pickles, made with the other kind of cucumbers.

Isabella is fascinated by a walking stick (insect) on the screen.


Becky Andrews said...

Glad you didn't get hit harder ... agree on hopes for the next one :).

Retired Duo said...

Bob is on his way to Chicago to visit relatives. He phoned from Lebanon, IN, and said it was raining so hard he had to pull off the highway. Now, just a bit of that rain would be nice here in Troy!