Friday, November 2, 2012

Some non-Sandy October events

We handed out candy at the First United Methodist Church's Trunk and Treat on Oct. 29. Once again, we woefully underestimated the number of trick-or-treaters (and I really thought I was prepared this year). I heard estimates of 600 (!) kids. No wonder we ran out. Thank goodness, candy donations to the church allowed us to refill 3 times. On Halloween, we had 107 trick-or-treaters (yes, I counted) at our front door. We ran out of candy at the end and had to resort to the pretzels bagged for trick-or-treating. They're in the shape of jack-o-lanterns and bats. Really very cute ... and we have some left over!
Not our trunk. But, gosh, what great bones.

Penny was once again Cooper the Dog. This year, she loved the warm costume.

Our trunk. It's too light to see the ghost and pumpkin lights, plus our light-up jack-o-lanterns. Trust me, it looked better as it got darker.

The new bridge opens. That's the mayor with the really big scissors (anyone remember "Dead Again" with Kenneth Branaugh and Emma Thompson?)

Fall leaves.

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