Saturday, February 2, 2013

Happy Groundhog Day

We heard Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow this morning. This means an early spring (why rodents are used for weather prediction, I really don't know). But, we'll take predictions for an early spring anywhere we can get them! I have no recent photos of any local woodchucks - they're sensibly hibernating right now.  Each time we try to photograph the woodchuck who lives over by Miami Shores Golf Course (during warmer weather, of course), it runs away and all we get are blurry woodchuck photos. So, no shots of woodchucks today. I'll post one of Bob's waterfall pics instead.

This is the falls in West Milton. 


Becky Andrews said...

So funny - I'll take hope of early spring any way it comes, too :).

Retired Duo said...

Thanks, Becky. We're glad February is short - that means March and the official first day of spring are that much closer!