Wednesday, February 20, 2013

OK, it's time for spring

A couple of days ago, it was over 50 degrees and really quite nice. The last two days, not so much. It's cold, it's windy, and we wish we were headed to Florida. We were in the bank this morning and a female customer announced she was going to Florida until March; we all asked if we could come with her. :)
Florida notwithstanding, we saw skunk cabbages in bloom in the swampy area of Brukner Nature Center. Skunk cabbages are the first wildflowers to bloom, so we have hope. Also, we saw some winter aconites just starting to bloom in a neighborhood nearby. We know spring is coming!
Frozen water in the downspout. Interesting in December, tolerable in January, enough already in February.

Poor Bob is cold as he refills the bird feeder. ("Take the picture. I'm freezing!")

Skunk cabbage - its metabolism generates enough heat to melt the ice. Now, that's a tough plant.

The flowers are the little tiny guys on the spadix inside the spathe (the mottled brown-green covering).

Ice in the creek at Brukner Nature Center.


Anonymous said...

I like the pictures of the skunk cabbage. It is sort of striped like a skunk if you squint when you look at it....


Retired Duo said...

The next flower we're looking for is called harbinger of spring. It's small and white and pokes up through leaf litter.