Thursday, April 7, 2011

Appliance shopping

We bought a washer yesterday! They won't deliver it for a while (we have no place to put it right now). Now, we have to look for a dryer, and probably a refrigerator. We put an offer on another house yesterday evening. Haven't heard anything yet. If we reach an agreement with the sellers, we will need a refrigerator. Oh, and a lawn mower (not a riding mower - not that much lawn). Spending money like we've got it!
We went to the public library this morning. It's a great library. It's clear this town supports its library. We used Bob's sister Penny's card to check out books - we have no permanent address right now and so we'll wait to get our own cards.
Penny and Jack left this morning for North Carolina to visit kids and grandkids. We're using their washer, dryer, and internet connection while they're gone. Thanks, Penny and Jack, for your generosity.

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