Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Insurance is cheaper in Ohio! We're getting quotes on the new house + car + motor scooter. Totals for all 3 are coming in around $1100-1200/year. We paid $1000/yr just to insure the mobile home in SLO! I'm loving this.
We are setting up service for electric (DP&L = Dayton Power and Light), gas (Vectren), and sewer/water/garbage. After we get in, we'll deal with internet, TV, and a land line for my mom (she doesn't like dealing with cell phones).
It's a beautiful spring day here. Bright and sunny, temps in the 60s. The flowering trees on Main Street are just gorgeous (Bradford pears, I think). My mom reports that spring wildflowers in SLO Co. (out by Shell Creek) are amazing. Makes sense with all the rain. Too bad we can't be there to see all the lupines, owl's clover, tidy tips, etc.

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